Avi ben mordechai biography template

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    Faithwalk: Messianic believer in Yeshua. Torah observant.
    Status: Married to Suzanne
    Heritage:Jewish (reform and conservative) through both parents
    Children: A daughter and grandkids in Seattle, Washington and  Kalispell, Montana
    Residence: Western Australia (Southwest Australia), about 3 hour's drive southwest of Perth
    Professional Background: On-air radio and television production, news, and broadcast journalism since
    Current Profession: Educator and author on biblical and New Testament Hebraic concepts.

    Licensed Israeli Ministry of Tourism tour guide since
    Education: Simpson College - 3 years  (San Francisco).

    Avi ben mordechai biography template pdf

    Los Angeles City College - 1 year (LACC, Los Angeles). Machon Lander College - 3 years (Jerusalem). 
    Spiritual Character: Alwaysunder construction through everyday on-the-job training. 


    I am Avi ben Mordechai. You can refer to me as Avi or Avinoam, whichever you prefer. I am not a Rabbi, a Pastor, or even a Bible T