Elsie woodward biography template
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Elsie woodward biography template
Elizabeth (Cryder) Woodward (1882 - 1981)
Elizabeth(Elsie)Woodward formerly Cryder
Born in New York, United States
Ancestors Daughter of Duncan Cryder and Elizabeth Callender (Ogden) Cryder
Sister of Anita Wetmore Cryder, Ethel F Cryder, Edith Gray Cryder and Ogden Cryder
DescendantsMother of William Woodward
Died at age 98in New York, United States
Profile last modified | Created 14 Feb 2016
This page has been accessed 831 times.
Elsie (Cryder) Woodward was born in New York.
Daughter of Duncan & Elizabeth.
One of the Cryder Triplets - Elsie, Edith and Ethel. From about 1891 to 1899, the family lived in Paris, France.
Married William Woodward. Children: Edith, Elizabeth, Sarah, Ethel, William
- https://books.google.com/books?id=0AvWoGAxSIsC&pg=PA12&lpg=PA12&dq=%22duncan+cryder%22&source=bl&ots=ZlaV-2Pu-w&sig=bql0unmePfaylEFGy9_5lKjRVZg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjn0ImPjfbKAhWJ4yYKHawRBpwQ6A