History of red hair in romania
History of red hair in romania wikipedia.
The Myths and History of Red Hair
HomepageThe Ancient World
The following page is a collection of all the information about red hair that I've come across in regards the ancient world.
History of red hair in romania
The bits and pieces I've picked up from books I've referenced, but a lot of the stuff that I've found on the internet I haven't - simply because I'm not completely sure of its veracity. Hopefully it's all correct!
The Greeks
The Greek philosopher Aristotle is reputed to have made the following comments about red hair:
"The reddish are of bad character."
"Those with tawny coloured hair are brave; witness the lions.
[But those with] reddish [hair] are of bad character; witness the foxes."
"Fishermen, divers for murex, and generally those whose work is on the sea, have red hair."
He also apparently described redheads as being emotionally un-housebroken, although I haven't come across a direct quotation for this.
Another mention of red hair comes from Xenophanes, who referred to it when di