Jim juvonen sarah meiklejohn
Jim juvonen sarah meiklejohn
Jim juvonen sarah meiklejohn love!
- Gilad Stern, Ittai Abraham, Philipp Jovanovic, Sarah Meiklejohn, Alin Tomescu, and Mary Maller
- ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
- Kobi Gurkan, Philipp Jovanovic, Mary Maller, Sarah Meiklejohn, Gilad Stern, and Alin Tomescu
- Eurocrypt
- (The blog post for this project can be found here.)
- Kruakae Pothong, Larissa Pschetz, Ruth Catlow, and Sarah Meiklejohn
- Designing Interactive Systems
- (This paper received an Honorable Mention Award!)
- Kurt Thomas, Devdatta Akhawe, Michael Bailey, Dan Boneh, Elie Bursztein, Sunny Consolvo, Nicki Dell, Zakir Durumeric, Patrick Gage Kelley, Deepak Kumar, Damon McCoy, Sarah Meiklejohn, Thomas Ristenpart, and Gianluca Stringhini
- IEEE Sympos