George r terry biography

  • George r terry biography
  • George r terry biography

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  • George r terry biography obituary.

    George R. Terry

    George Robert Terry ( – ) was an American management author, Professor of Business at Ball State University, and 14th president of the Academy of Management.

    He is noted for his early work on management, and for writing one of the the first books, entitled Principles of Management(). His book was followed Harold Koontz & Cyril O'Donnell's text (McGraw-Hill) of the same un gran importador en la adiministracion


    Principles of Management,

    George R.

    Terry, Principles of Management, R.D. Irwin, , ; ; ; 7th edition ; 8th Edition with Stephen G. Franklin,

    • Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish the objectives by the use of people and resources.

    • Management is not people, it is an activity like walking, reading, swimming or running. People who perform management can be designated as managers members of management, or executive leaders.
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