Yihiyeh tov david broza wife

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    An ecstatic smile spreads across David Broza’s face. Onstage at New York’s 92 Street Y, he cradles his guitar against his chest, strumming quietly, his tender, gravelly voice caressing the Hebrew lyrics of Israeli poet Natan Alterman: “The day dies out/ a sunset lights up/ I walk in silence….

    Yihiyeh tov david broza wife

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  • What more do I have? What more did I have?” The audience sings along, “Mutar lihyot sentimentali.” It’s O.K. to be sentimental.

    Broza has walked in music and poetry since his first blockbuster, “Yihyeh Tov” (it will be good), hit the Israeli charts 34 years ago and became an anthem for peace.

    His annual Christmas Eve concert at the Y is but a temporary anchor on his restless voyage as a troubadour of three cultures—Israeli, American and Spanish.

    He has moored his compositions to poetry, transforming the words of Yonatan Gefen, Walt Whitman, Federico Garcia Lorca and others into stirringly singable, beloved ballads. A masterful performer—he does 200 to